Modeling Derivatives
Writing derivatives is a type of art form... As a Core Quantitative Analyst and Sales Side Quant I would go so far as to state publicly that "Equilibrium" is a hard ball to juggle... One ball may seem not realistic and that is exactly THE CASE & Point...
We need to understand as a civilization of over 7 billion people that derivatives in their purest state are benefits to society as a whole... Having said this, we have developed models that ensure that Global cohesion is at the for-front of our AGENDA!
Learning from the writings of people such as Emanuel Derman for starters implies that "Intuition" dictates that the future of humanity is not simple... When you read of a physicist writing on finance in such a clean cut and dry methodology and yet the World is in the state that it is, IT MAKES YOU WONDER...
IF things, and mind you derivatives cross into every aspect of life and humanity... IF things are just that clear then why asks the butterfly whom wants for his kingdom to last as long as possible on planet earth... Is the World So FLAT and not ROUND and SOUND?
The 4th body problem is the issue... Approaching the 4th body problem with an attitude that precludes logic will only impose additional Volatility rather than equilibrium. There is a tug of war going on and obviously we cannot disclose all the variables ;)
Stay in the game every side of the equator ;)

and lets not loose hope...